Are you one of those men who start to sweat every time you even think of asking a girl out$%: Your hands start to shake; your voice cracks up and you start to lose control over all your mental capacities. This is very a common problem among men, but it doesn't have to be this way. I am going to show you three ways how to ask a girl out and not get rejected.
Method 1: The Bad Boy Mask
One thing you can do is portray yourself as a genuine "bad boy". There is a reason so many people claim, "Nice guys finish last". It's because women are attracted to the exact opposite type of man! So, throw away your conservative shirts and ties and put on a funky leather jacket instead. A few tattoos certainly won't hurt, but being a bad boy also involves your attitude, not just your outward appearance. You need to convince women that they are in for a treat and should be ready to experience dangerous liaisons, and adventures. You'll get ahead by approaching women and letting them know you will satisfy all their dark and deep desires.
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Method 2: Art of Framing
Another thing for all of you men who want to know how to ask a girl out is to practice the art of framing. No, I am not talking about putting up door frames or picture frames. This technique involves learning to pose questions in a way that makes a woman want you, and not the other way around. You end up defining the overall meaning of the interaction and have her buying into what you say. In other words, she will now "be in your frame". For example, when she asks you if you are trying to pick her up, smile mischievously and respond, "Absolutely not, I don't even know if we would make good friends". She may be a little annoyed at first, but she will most likely also be intrigued and curious why you aren't interested.
Method 3: The Reverse Chase
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Tip number three involves something that will probably be very hard for many men to follow. You need to stop trying hard to win her over. Let her chase you for a change. Convince her that you have lots of available opportunities and she will have to measure up to your standards if she wants to get anywhere with you. Most women aren't expecting this type of behaviour, so they don't know how to react at first. Don't appear overly interested when she starts a conversation. Just make sure not to insult her completely or you will end up with a drink poured over your head, rather than a date.
Men who know how to ask a girl out have already learned the basic rules: they portray themselves as exciting "bad boys", they make women think they are unattainable so females want them even more and they don't try hard to win women over. If you don't think these rules work, try them out for yourself. You may be surprised with the positive results.